Hannah’s Graduation

My Favorite Niece Collects a Piece of Sheepskin

For both versions below, comments and notes are displayed when you click on the picture to get the "full size" version, and if you right-click on a full-size picture (or otherwise do whatever you do to bring up the context-sensitive menu) and choose "Save Image," you'll be downloading the full-res version of the photo. For the Raw gallery, that would be a 6000 by 4000 pixel image. For the Abridged, it depends on how I cropped it.

The Abridged Gallery

Most people who come here will want to check out this set of photos. “Most people” in this case is basically “everybody but the graduate herself,” and even she probably wants to start here. This is the curated, edited, and commented set.

The Raw Camera Dump

I actually shot over 200 photos this weekend. This link leads to the entire set just as they came out of my camera. That means it includes pictures of the back of Hannah’s head, all the boring shots of the campus, and all of the frames from the burst-mode shots I took during graduation itself.