Well, it was. A few years of ennui have caused me to scale back my Kool-aid intensity. Oh, I still drink it all the time, but an inventory of around five hundred packages or so is down to about 150, give or take. I usually buy it on sale, and I'll get 30 to 40 packages per flavor when I do, but when I did that to the new Lemon Ice and Green Apple Ice flavors, then I had sixty packages of flavors that I didn't really like that much. So I finally took the initiative to rate the flavors, and record the ratings, and I'm just settling in to the ones I like the best.
So I'm not as gung-ho about acquiring discontinued flavors any more. If I love it, then I get to be sad about not being able to get any. If I don't love it, then what was the point of going to all the effort to get my hands on it?
However, this page might as well stick around. It might be a useful reference to somebody else, for one thing. And if you, Dear Reader, are seeking out rare Kool-aid flavors, you might be able to wheedle me into sharing a package or two from my Archives.
News Flash! Somebody actually emailed me about trading! Oo! How cool is that? Therefore, there is now an updated list of Flavors In The Archives at the bottom of this page.
Berry Blue has been re-released, and is currently (January 2008) available. I remember being particularly fond of Mountainberry Punch. It was soooo yummy. Surfin' Berry and Strawberry Falls were also very good. Rainbow Punch was not so good. Apple and Root Beer were only available in the late 1950's; I don't expect to ever see one of those packages in person. I have one package each of Purplesaurus Rex and Rock-o-dile Red. Too precious to actually mix them up!
Some of what's listed below as 'available for trading' isn't anymore, especially the flavors currently still available. There just aren't enough (any?) people fanatical enough to be trying to collect specific variants of current flavors. So I'm just going to mix 'em up and drink 'em down (or already have). The more exotic stuff is probably still in inventory, although about half of the Phillipine versions are gone. Also there's some new things available, in particular a handful of Lemon Ice for those of you who missed it.
contact dh.koolaid@howell.seattle.wa.us
This list last updated June 18, 2002.
Also wanted, but not as badly:
Flavors in current production I'd like to get a box or two of:
Available for trading:
Would consider trading, but reluctantly:
I also have an extensive collection of trading card game cards that
I'd be willing to trade for Kool-aid, including Magic cards (Alpha through
Dark, packs and singles), Jyhad (packs and some singles), Netrunner (singles),
Pokemon (packs) and xXxenophile (singles).
Key: Currently available (April '09) flavors. Discontinued flavors. Flavors generally only available outside the United States. Flavors are rated on a scale from 1 to 5 stars. Those that haven't been assigned a rating yet are marked with nr.
* Kraft's web site's database lists "Invisible Grape Illusion" and "Invisible Changin' Cherry" as part of the "Mad ScienTwistS" series. Regular "Changin' Cherry" is a Kool-aid powder that changes color when it gets wet. The "Invisible" line are flavors of Kool-aid that mix up clear. So some nincompoop programming their web site database seems to think that Kool-aid offers a cherry-flavored drink mix that changes from clear to clear? The photo of the packaging that accompanies the entry shows a box that says simply "Invisible Cherry," with no "Changin'" and no "Mad ScienTwistS" anywhere to be seen. That makes a lot more sense.
contact dh.koolaid@howell.seattle.wa.us
This list last updated April 9, 2009.
Also wanted, but not as badly:
Available for trading: