Dave's Page of Desire

OK, here's the list of things I'm thinkin' would be pretty nice to have, but for one reason or another I'm not likely to get myself anytime soon. Updated September 28, 2020, for the first time in 13 years.


Invitation To Ski
Every year, I tell myself that this year I'll go skiing more than just two times. And every year, I ski twice, once, or not at all. Such a waste of my college senior year PE class. Sigh. But it's not really that much fun to go skiing alone, and planning ahead, well, yea.


There's an annotated edition of Flatland, written by Edwin A. Abbot out. How cool! Or rather, it was out. Now it's out of print out, so it's harder to find.
Art Bookbinder Contact Information
My final project in college for Art of the Book was to print a limited edition of Jabberwocky in three languages. What I'd love to do now is have copies of this work bound by different professional book binders, the ones that see bookbinding as an art. I would give the binder a copy of the unbound pages and tell them to bind it as they see fit. The tricky part is, there aren't many bookbinders working at that level any more, and they tend to be hard to find. Mostly, it's people who are binding for conservation. Conservation binders can put a good binding on an old book and save it from falling apart, but they're focused on as inexpensive and as fast as possible, not ornate, elaborate bindings involving leather, tooling, gilding, marbling, and other binding arts. Just getting a list of three or more people who are still binding by hand as an art form would be fabulous.


Pixar Movies
I used to be totally on top of this, but, gosh, they've released a lot of movies, and I wasn't paying attention for a while, and now I'm missing a few. To wit: Cars 2, Cars 3, Brave, Finding Dory, and Coco. I know, the later Cars movies are not the most well-loved movies Pixar's ever done. Still, I'm not ready yet to abandon physical media for ephermeral downloads, at least not for movies I like as much as these.

Technology & Tools

Precision router fence
I've become very fond of my router. Well, both of them, both the computer-y network-y box that routes packets to and from the Internet, and the spin-y, wood-shaping-y tool that's so very handy when doing home remodeling. But it's the latter that I'm referring to at the moment. My ongoing struggle is cutting things straight and true. I've slowly been adding to my stock of gizmos that measure, or adjust with precision, but there are still things that are really hard to do. Rockler's currently got a fancy router fence/jig kit that looks to really fill in some of the remaining blanks.


Black suede moccasins
I've had some medium brown mocs for years, and the hole in the bottom of one of them is just getting too big to patch with duct tape anymore. I bought them in, um, 84? I'd have gotten black then, but Minnetonka size 12 was too small, and the light brown, dark brown, and black weren't available in 13, so I had to settle for medium brown 13s. Pathetically, that's still all they make: the model 882 softsole fringed moccasin, medium-brown only, up to size 13.  Boots that run up the leg would be cool too, but they're more expensive, and the slipper-shoe kind are fine. If somebody can locate a place in the greater Seattle area that might have them, a gift certificate would be perfectly fine.


Many Card Games
There's been a boom in smaller games since Cheapass Games hit the scene. Look at any well-stocked game store, or order online from Contagious Dreams. A few I find particularly interesting include The Last Card, Target, and Overthrone.

Other Stuff

Pads of Paper from Levenger
I've gotten notepads from Levenger before, and some of them are almost gone. The Levenger pads are exceptionally well-designed, and are made from paper selected for its suitability for use with fountain pens, which many of you know I greatly prefer over nasty ball-points and the like. They've just introduced some cool new designs; I'm especially covetous of the isometric grid pad. They've got a sampler pack which looks very yummy.
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Classic Toll-House-style, no nuts, "blonde" (lightly baked). A perennial fave.